We are committed to providing outstanding customer service and facilities.

Melbourne University Sport will:

  • Always be friendly and approachable
  • Listen to customer’s needs and respond efficiently and effectively
  • Strive for innovative improvement to our programs, facilities and services
  • Deliver quality fitness and sport experiences through our programs, facilities and services

Customer feedback responses are regularly updated and posted online on our Feedback page and on notice boards at our fitness centres, so you can see if your question has been answered recently.

Whether you want to give us feedback on what we are doing, suggest how we can make things better, send us a message at feedback-sport@unimelb.edu.au, fill out the form below, give us a call at +61 3 8344 5405 or alternatively fill out a feedback form at any of our fitness centres.

All data collected by Melbourne University Sport is in accordance with the University of Melbourne's Privacy Policy. For more information about the University of Melbourne’s privacy policies, click here.

Send us feedback

Whether you want to give us feedback on what we are doing or suggest how we can make things better, fill out the form below or give us a call at +61 3 8344 5405

Submit feedback here


Melbourne University Sport runs satisfaction surveys for all its programs, with two major surveys: the Wellbeing Survey and the Fitness Survey. Our surveys help us determine the level of satisfaction with all our customers regarding Sport at the University and their expectations for sporting facilities, programs and services. These surveys also provide opportunities for MU Sport casual users, club members, fitness members and others to provide direct feedback.

For each major survey, we report on the findings with updates on how it is addressing the needs, feedback and concerns presented in the findings.

For questions or additional information on Melbourne University Sport surveys, please complete our feedback form above.

Wellbeing Survey

The Wellbeing Survey is a biennial survey to measure levels and locations of student participation in physical activity and the impact on the level of satisfaction with the student experience. The survey has been delivered from 2015 to 2019 with the results reported to the Board and included in our contribution to the various University strategies including Student Life and the Estates Plan.

View the 2019 Wellbeing Survey recap here.

Fitness Survey

Melbourne University Sport’s Fitness Survey is conducted as required with the purpose of:

  • measuring respondent’s levels of importance with the services, programs and facilities provided
  • measuring respondent’s levels of satisfaction with the services, programs and facilities provided
  • providing longitudinal data which allows measurement of progress against specific KPI’s

The survey is Fitness Services key rating and feedback mechanism, with the survey measuring importance, satisfaction and participation. This survey also determines participation satisfaction with the Fitness Services, programs and facilities, MU Sport and the University. The results of the Fitness Survey will be used for MU Sport and Fitness Services planning for the near and long-term future.

The Fitness Survey solicits feedback from Fitness members and casual users regarding their use of MU Sports’ facilities and programs, and their overall fitness experience and satisfaction with MU Sport.