Pride in Sport

Our Pride in Sport program aims to provide a safe place for LGBTQIA+ identifying people to participate in sport.

We believe all people have the right to freely participate in recreation, fitness, and sport, and benefit from the wellness it brings. As the first University to be a signatory to the ACON’s Pride in Sport Program, we are currently working to implement inclusive practices to ensure the safe and equal inclusion of LGBTQIA+ identifying people.

Queer Friendly Gym Nights at LSF

The gym sessions are for people of all abilities, free from transphobia and homophobia, in the company of your fellow queers.

Whether you’re brand new, just trying to get your 30 minutes a week in, or have a regular gym attendance we have you covered.

Our Queer Friendly Gym Nights are run at Lincoln Square Fitness Centre (183 Bouverie Street, Carlton) and provide an inclusive and fun environment for UoM Students/staff, community and Allies to engage with fitness and exercise.

Registration: Not required, walk-ins welcome, please see reception on arrival.

Day and time: Fridays 5.15pm - 8:00pm

Location: Lincoln Square Fitness 183 Bouverie Street, Carlton

Pride in Sport week

Celebrating Pride in Sport means changing practices and working towards a more inclusive, safe, and healthy sporting environment for people with diverse sexualities and genders.

The Pride in Sport week is one of the many ways MU Sport recognises and celebrates the involvement of LGBTQIA+ identifying persons in sport. The week is highlighted with a series of events, activations, games and classes that acknowledge the importance of supporting the LGBTIQA+ community through sport.


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We believe all people have the right to freely participate in recreation, fitness, and sport, and benefit from the wellness it brings. As the first University to be a signatory to the ACON’s Pride in Sport Program, we are currently working to implement inclusive practices to ensure the safe and equal inclusion of LGBTQIA+ identifying people.


Policies and Guides

Click on the relevant item to download the PDF resources.

MU Sport LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Policy

The MU Sport LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Policy, covering all areas of our sport.

LGBTQIA+ Companion Guide

MU Sport LGBTQIA+ Policy Companion Guide – providing a breakdown of policy areas and useful practice tips.

Trans and Gender Diverse Language Guide (ACON)

Language guide produced by ACON for understanding pronouns and respectful communication with trans and gender diverse people.

Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion in Sport (the basics)

Some basic information around the meaningful inclusion of trans and gender diverse people in sport.

Pride in Action Network Ally Brochure

An Ally resource produced by the UoM Pride in Action Network.

Creating an LGBTI+ Inclusive Club

Proud2Play Resources Hub

Contact Us

Please don't hesitate to contact our Leadership Manager Alex Affleck for more details on our inclusion efforts, or to find out how you can get involved. If you identify as LGBTQIA+ feel free to get in contact with Alex to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your participation or your experiences in sport.

Alex Affleck
Fitness Services Manager
+61 3 8344 3987