Group Fitness

For beginners through to advanced fitness enthusiasts, our Group Fitness Program has a class to suit you.

Conducted by fully qualified professionals, our extensive Group Fitness Classes program has classes suitable for everyone. No matter your body type, fitness or coordination level, find out about our extensive range of classes, including HIIT, Plilates, Yoga, and view our current timetable.

Group Fitness Timetable

Inclusion Classes

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Booking and Attending a class
  • Book online up to 48 prior to class starting time
  • Arrive 5 minutes prior to class advertised starting time
  • Towels are compulsory for every class
Cancelling a booking
  • You can cancel your booking online prior to 30 minutes of class starting time via the same portal and login details as you booked
  • Under 30 minutes please call reception on 8344 5405 to cancel your online booking

Class Attendances are monitored to ensure no one misses out on a class. Penalties for repeat non-attenders after 3 times in a month will result in having to book at reception for a period of time.

Class Entry

Please ensure that you are booked and check in to your class at reception prior to entering the room.

Participants will not be permitted entry to a class five (5) minutes after the advertised starting times. Individual instructors may refuse entry at any time after the class has commenced. BodyPump, BodyStep, and Cycling classes are limited by equipment availability; once all equipment is allocated, the class is considered full.

Free Classes for University of Melbourne Staff and Students

As part of our ongoing staff health and Wellbeing initiatives MU Sport will be running free group fitness classes for University of Melbourne staff and students,

First time users need to visit any of the facilities 10-15 minutes before their first free class, we will set you up a profile and provide a login for our online bookings system. The online system can be used to book into classes up to 48 hours before they begin.

Free classes are listed on our Current Group Fitness timetable which state which classes are FREE next to the class description

Injuries and Medical Conditions

If you have any physical or medical conditions that may be affected by exercise or are pregnant, please seek medical clearance from your doctor prior to participating in any class. Please inform the instructor of any medical concerns prior to class commencing.

Cancellations and Reduced Hours

Please check our website for reduced hours and classes running on University Public Holidays.

Try Les Mills+

Members can continue their fitness journey while at home.

We know that nothing will ever match the energy or magic of a live group workout, but an online exercise subscription service can be the perfect complement.

Improving their mental health and be strong in both body and mind.

Les Mills+ will deliver all your favourite classes through online content!

Melbourne Uni Sport members receive a 10% discount on the usual subscription cost ($22.49 rather than $24.99/month) with a 30 day trail period on signing up.

Class Descriptions

We offer a range of group fitness classes for both new and experienced members.


BODYATTACK™ is a high-energy fitness class with moves that caters for all levels. Combining athletic movements like running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats.


BODYBALANCE is ideal for anyone and everyone, BODYBALANCE™is the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life.


BODYPUMP is a barbell workout designed to get you lean, toned and fit.


BODYSTEP Basic stepping, just like walking up and down stairs, is at the heart of BODYSTEP™ – a full-body cardio workout to really tone your butt and thighs.


LES MILLS GRIT Strength is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, designed to improve strength, cardiovascular fitness and build lean muscle. This workout uses barbell, weight plate and bodyweight exercises to blast all major muscle groups. LES MILLS GRIT Strength takes cutting-edge HIIT and combines it with powerful music and inspirational coaches who will be down on the floor with you, motivating you to go harder to get fit, fast.

Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates is a method of exercise designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body by lengthening and firming muscles.

HIIT Classes

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods.


Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance

Release and Recover

Release and Recover using the massage ball for self-myofascial release, relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood, oxygen, and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.


RPM™ is a group indoor cycling workout where you control the intensity. It’s fun, low impact and you can burn up to 500 calories a session.

Small Group Training Classes

Various exercises challenge your stability and switch on the vital muscles associated with core activation.


Sprint™ is a cycle workout built on the science of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It’s a quick and intense style of training that returns rapid results with minimal joint impact. In just 30-minutes, participants' physical and mental limits are challenged through bursts of intensity with short periods of rest. The payoff is the calorie burn for hours after stepping off the bike.

Body Combat

BODYCOMBAT is an exercise class that lets you punch and kick your way towards your fitness goals. Not only is it a great whole-body workout for cardio fitness, but it’s also superb for burning fat, releasing stress and improving your co-ordination.


Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterised by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath.

Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga, levels 1 & 2 is a form of yoga as exercise that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of yoga postures.

Yin Yoga 1
Slow-paced restorative yoga incorporating longer holds in supported poses, for a supple body and centered, calm mind. Suitable for beginners, no experience necessary.

Yoga 1
An introductory/ beginner yoga class. No previous experience necessary.

Yoga 1 and 2
For starting beginners and students with some experience. These classes generate a understanding of yoga postures and breathing.

Yoga 2
Designed for participants who have had previous yoga experience. Enhance your understanding of yoga and build on the foundations you already have.

Yoga Flow continuous flow of movement and breath generates a meditative state, encouraging practitioners to let go of thought and focus on experience of the present moment. In flow yoga, each movement into or out of a posture is timed with an inhalation or an exhalation in a choreographed sequence.


X-Train A dynamic cross fitness workout that will improve your all round strength and conditioning. The class incorporates elements of high intensity interval training, strength training and plyometrics.


Zumba combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training, alternating fast and slow rhythms, to help improve cardiovascular fitness.

Breathe and Focus

Ignite your fitness journey with this class that combines breath work and dynamic movements to boost lung capacity, reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, increase energy levels and enhance the mind-body connection for a truly rejuvenating experience.