
We provide members of the University community with the opportunity to play tennis at social & competitive levels.

The Club provides coaching services and also manages teams representing Team Melbourne at University Nationals.


For Information on Tennis Intervarsity opportunities please visit our Intervarsity Page.


How do I join?

Come say hello and join at our O-week stall.
If you cannot make O-week, please visit our website or email us for further membership information and instructions on how to join.

Visit our website

For more information on coaching please visit the Academy Website.

Interested in joining our club? Let us know!

Training times

Training times vary through out the year. Please see our website or email us for up to date information.

Competition details

The MUTC runs the following internal club competitions and tournaments:

  • Tuesday Night Advanced Doubles (Semester 1 & Semester 2) from 6pm to 10pm
  • Thursday Night Intermediate Doubles (Semester 1 & Semester 2) from 6pm to 10pm
  • MU Open Tournament (Club Champs)

The MUTC participates in a number of externally run competitions and tournaments including Saturday & Sunday Victorian Tennis Pennant Competition (Held over the Winter Season

Club contacts

Kiki Jiang

Sean Bay
Vice President

Junaid Hossain
Club Coach

Further information