Two vacancies currently exist on the Blues Advisory Group (BAG).

The BAG reviews nominations for Sporting Blues, the University's highest sporting award that recognises outstanding sporting achievement in representing the University in endorsed intervarsity sporting competitions.

Applicants must hold either a Sporting Blue (Full or Half) or a Distinguished Service Award as outlined in the Blues Advisory Group Terms of Reference.

Interested sporting alumni who meet the criteria are encouraged to apply by completing the application form below.

Applications close Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Please note, where more than two nominations are received by MU Sport, selection considerations include gender equity, alternate-sport background of current members and level of knowledge and experience of intervarsity sport.


MU Sport is a department of the University reporting to the PVC (People and Community).

MU Sport provides professional management of the fitness, sports and recreation facilities, clubs, programs and activities of the University and works closely with all stakeholders and external strategic partners in delivering sport and physical recreation opportunities for the University community in accordance with strategic and operational plans which are approved by an Advisory Board.

MU Sport recognises the achievements of Melbourne University athletes, teams and clubs with Sporting Awards and Blues. Blues were first awarded by the University for cricket and rowing for sporting contests in 1870. They were adopted along the lines of those awarded by Oxford and Cambridge universities where students were selected for annual sporting competitions with Full Blues awarded for major sports and Half Blues awarded for minor sports.

Similar principles still apply to the awarding of Blues today with Full Blues awarded for a student’s outstanding sporting achievement whilst representing the University in approved intervarsity competitions, and Half Blues awarded where sporting performance is excellent, but not of a Full Blue standard.

Recommendations for the annual awarding of Blues is determined by the Blues Advisory Group (BAG). Members of the Blues Advisory Group are appointed by the MU Sport Advisory Board.

Responsibilities of the Blues Advisory Group

The responsibilities of the Blues Advisory Group are as follows:

  • Discuss annual nominations for Blues and/or Half Blues and/or Distinguished Service Awards as nominated by University team managers and/or coaches and/or MU Sport
  • Evaluate all student-athletes representing the University, not just those nominated by team managers/coaches and may recommend awards at a level different to that nominated by a team manager/coach
  • Uphold the standards afforded to the awarding of Blues at the University, particularly when comparing the level of performance between sports and the level of performance from year to year
  • Recommend Blues nominations to the Director of Sport, who can accept or amend such recommendations when approving them on behalf of the Board
  • Discuss annual nominations for Intervarsity Sport awards, as nominated by University team managers and/or coaches and/or the Sport Performance Coordinator
  • Discuss annual nominations for Intervarsity Sport awards, as nominated by for the Outstanding Sporting Performance of the Year by a student-athlete
  • Discuss annual nominations, as nominated by MU Sport’s Elite Athlete Coordinator, for the Outstanding Sporting Performance of the Year by a student-athlete
  • Recommend Intervarsity Sport Outstanding Performance and Distinguished Service nominations to the Director of Sport, who can accept or amend such recommendations when approving on behalf of the Board.

Terms of Reference

For more information on the Blues Advisory Group please read the Blues Advisory Group Terms of Reference.


To apply to become a member of the Blues Advisory Group, please complete the application form.

Applications close Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Please note where more than two nominations are received by MU Sport, selection considerations include gender equity, alternate-sport background of current members and level of knowledge and experience of intervarsity sport