Reactivating our Campuses

Reactivation was the ambitious plan to increase the number of students and staff who participated in regular physical activity at the University. The target was for 30,000 students, or 60% of the student population to be engaged in regular physical activity at the University. This was up from 18,000 in 2019.

The plan ensured all students were provided an opportunity to participate in regular physical activity on campus in support of the University’s return to campus strategies. It will significantly increase the number of students who are active and connected on campus, address the impacts of COVID-19, and remove historical barriers to participation. This will in turn build a case for support (both financially and through extra resources) from the University to implement and create a significant and long-lasting legacy for sport.

MU Sport implemented a range of fun, exciting activities to reactivate recreation, fitness and sport across campus.

Highlights include:

  • Holding regular, informal physical activities on campus
  • Incorporating reactivation events with Sporting Club activities, such as Come and Try sessions
  • Establishing targeting programs for underrepresented groups, such as women’s and minority programs