Sports Precinct Refurbishment

Update: January 2025

Following the University's recent review of all capital projects, we are pleased to confirm that funding for the progression to detailed design for the Sports Precinct Refurbishment project has been approved. The project will now progress from Stage 2 (Concept/Schematic Design) to Stage 3 (Detailed Design Development)

The Detailed Design Development phase will involve stakeholder workshops with the project consultants. MU Sport will notify and invite stakeholders of workshop opportunities once advised by the University project team. To proceed to Stage 4, the University is still required to undertake a process to commit funding for the construction of the project.

While we are yet to be advised of any construction commencement change from October 2025, it appears likely that this will be delayed until 2026. As was agreed at the Sport precinct stakeholder meeting (July 2024), to minimise disruption MU Sport and clubs, preference is that construction commences between seasons.

We re-iterate that the construction (subject to funding approval) will only commence after a decanting plan is developed and all clubs have a relocation option.

Previously posted August 2024

Concept designs for a refurbished Sports Precinct have been completed, and we await University confirmation in December for funding to commence to detailed design.

Approval to progress to detailed design will trigger workshops for sporting clubs and other key stakeholders with project consultants to provide further feedback. Melbourne University Sport will advise when these stakeholder workshops will be scheduled.

The timeline for project commencement remains as October 2025, with completion in September 2026.

More information, including a dedicated landing page of works, will be developed soon.

Previously posted June 2024

The University has committed to exploring upgrades of the outdoor facilities in the Sports Precinct.

Scoping works commenced earlier this year with the Athletics Track, Hockey Field, University Oval, Sports Lighting and associated Public Realm improvements all in discussions to be upgraded.

A final project plan is to be released before the end of the year, with works expected to cost in excess of $18m. The upgrades will be the first major capital investment within the Sports Precinct since the upgrade of the Ernie Cropley Pavilion in 2012.