
Kendo is one of the oldest Japanese martial arts and means "the way of the sword".

By wearing the armour and fighting with bamboo swords, it was originally developed as a means for the samurai (warrior class) to train without seriously injuring or killing one another. It has steadily developed into a modern sport, yet still retains its aesthetic, martial and spiritual traditions.


For Information on Kendo Intervarsity opportunities please visit our Intervarsity Page.


How does it work?

The concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application and principles of the sword. To this end, training is physically and mentally demanding. Decisive two handed cuts and thrusts must be made with full commitment which is expressed in the distinctive shout from the Kendo player. Formalities take place before and after exhausting training sessions in a hall where strict attention is paid to etiquette.

The Melbourne University Kendo Club has been practising Kendo since 1989, under the instruction of Yakov Macak and Kenji Sugimoto. The club is affiliated with the Victorian and Australian Kendo Renmei, the International Kendo Federation, and Melbourne University Sport.

How do I join?

Please contact us at for more information on the next beginners course. For more information please refer to the website.

If you already have previous kendo experience and would like to train with us, please contact us at

Interested in joining our club? Let us know!

Training times

Monday: 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Thursday: 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Friday 7:30-8:30pm (advanced)

Competition details

Competitions are held at club, state, national and international levels, including the Australian University Games. Gradings are held twice a year.

Club contacts

Ravon Chew

Julie Tran

Julie Wang

Monique Tovey

Further information